This is impressive. I don't give away 5 stars that easily. But yeah, you guys saw the quality bar for flash games and didn't just raise it, you kicked it far away.
This is impressive. I don't give away 5 stars that easily. But yeah, you guys saw the quality bar for flash games and didn't just raise it, you kicked it far away.
Heya, you obviously spend some time developing this one so let me give you an as complete as possible review.
First of all, I liked it, great game. Second thought... Did you not get a sponsor on this one? blegh... that sucks:/
Ok so I liked it. Gameplay is solid and so is your coding. The many upgrade/unit options are great and give you an adventage over similar games. I'm not to sure about the balance of the game though. It feels I spended a lot of time on level one and blitzkrieged through the rest (playing easy orc). That's just a minor thing I wanted to point out.
The main dragon in your game is the design and art. I thnk you tried your best here to, but tbh, I don't think you've got a great eye for it (I'm not claiming I have). It really putted me off at the start but I realized soon the rest of the game was tight so I stayed. Still... some players/(sponsors?) prolly leave sooner.
Anyway, I like it, gonne fav and try the other races later.
Oh yeah, make more medals easyer to achieve. I completed the game and only got one medal? YOU BULLY!
Those are some weird physics :D well done!
Cool game, very interesting! I'm gonne leave it at "A frightfull night". Close enough for me
Ahahahaha, but seriously it's not a game.... NO I NO RELAX NO, Y U NO MAKE REAL GAME, or more stuff like this, that's ok to.
I said it before on fgl: great game. It's very underrated here on Newgrounds imo. Very challenging, I completed all hard modes and 2 very hard modes but now I'm about to give up.
Short, but enjoyable.
Joined on 12/30/12